Tuesday Tutorials: How to Make Continuous Bias | McCall’s Quilting Blog

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Patterson Kathy 70px Tuesday Tutorials: How to Make Continuous BiasBias-cut fabric strips are super useful in quilt making. Curving vines in appliqué quilt patterns wouldn’t exist without them. And bias-cut quilt binding strips are a must for quilts with curved edges, like scallops, and a cute plus for certain binding fabrics like stripes. But most applications take a lot of bias-cut strips, and cutting on the bias can be tricky since the bias grain of fabric is very stretchy. So what’s a quilter to do?

There is a very cool method for making as long a bias-cut strip as you need, in 1 continuous strip. I’m not exaggerating when I say…it’s almost like magic! If you haven’t tried it yet, grab a square of fabric, fabric marker, rotary cutter, and a nice long ruler and watch our free how-to video by editor-in-chief emeritus Beth Hayes. You can also refer to the instructions below, but you definitely want to watch the video to get the hang of this technique.

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 Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1. Determine how many inches of bias-cut strip you need. If using for quilt binding, allow 10″ extra for turning corners and the closure. The equation is: [(height of quilt + width of quilt) x 2] + 10. Refer to chart to find the size fabric square needed.

Size Fabric Square to Cut
Bias Strip
Bias Strip
Bias Strip
Bias Strip
110˝ 14˝ square 16˝ square 18˝ square 20˝ square
220˝ 19˝ square 23˝ square 26˝ square 28˝ square
340˝ 23˝ square 28˝ square 32˝ square 35˝ square
480˝ 28˝ square 33″ square 37˝ square 40˝ square

Step 2. Cut the square in half diagonally (Diagram I).

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Step 3. With right sides together, sew the triangles together with a 1/4″ seam and press open (Diagram II).

On fabric wrong side long edges, draw lines to make strips of your chosen width. Use a clear acrylic rotary ruler and a pencil or fine-point permanent pen to draw the lines.

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Step 4. Bring the short diagonal edges together, forming a tube (Diagram III). Offset the drawn lines by one strip. With right sides together, match lines with pins at the 1/4″ seamline and stitch seam; press open.

With scissors, cut along continuously drawn line.

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That’s all there is to it! Presto change-o, you have yards of continuous bias-cut strip.

Remember, you can watch any of our free MQU how-to-quilt video lessons any time day or night—click here to see the full selection.

And don’t miss any of our Tuesday Tutorials—access them all right here!

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