McCall’s Quick Quilts Apr May 2015 Digital Edition

$14.99 $7.50


Quick Lessons Sew a friendly litter of snuggly pups Make a quick home dec quilt with lots of space for quilting fun Four-patches and flying geese combine in a charming retro quilt Quintessential Quick Make a dino-mite quilt for your special little paleontlogist.


Quick Lessons

  • Sew a friendly litter of snuggly pups
  • Make a quick home dec quilt with lots of space for quilting fun
  • Four-patches and flying geese combine in a charming retro quilt

Quintessential Quick
Make a dino-mite quilt for your special little paleontlogist. Quick Quilts Patterns
In this issue you’ll find a baker’s dozen of diverse designs. Make a throw In a Snap! with scraps or precuts, sew a springy quilt with dogwood blossoms, or spend a day at the beach with colorful ocean-themed prints. McCall’s Quick Quilts has patterns for these pretty and playful quilts! Click here to preview all quilt patterns featured in this issue.

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Quick Quilts


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