Keep Quilt Squares Aligned with a Fusible Interfacing Fabric Grid – Quilting Daily
Many readers have commented on how much they like Deborah Hyde’s artwork on the cover of the April/May 2014 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine. In addition to the sheer beauty of the work, they are amazed at, and curious about, how Deborah manages to sew those 1″ squares together.
“All of my quilts are made from squares of fabrics sewn together with a ¼” seam allowance. I think of this as the most basic form of quilting. At the same time I admit that without the relatively recent innovation of Pellon’s® fusible 820 Quilters GridTM I would not be able to work this way,” she says.
Managing numerous small squares is a challenge for any quilter, whether working on large art images or putting together pieced borders for a more traditional quilt. Using a pre-printed, fusible interfacing fabric helps keep any number of squares aligned for precision piecing.
Here’s how it works: Fabric squares are arranged on the printed grid and fused in place. The lightweight fabric interfacing is then folded and a ¼” seam can be stitched along the length of the interfacing- much easier and more accurate than trying to manage dozens of short 1″ seams. By folding perpendicularly and stitching again, large sections of small squares are accurately created.
These fusible interface fabrics are available with several different grid sizes–and also with the grid printed on point. If you often work with large areas of small squares, a pre-printed, fusible grid is well worth looking into.
What will they think of next? Whatever it is, you can be sure Quilting Arts will tell you all about it and how you can use it to create beautiful fiber art. With a subscription, you’ll always be in-the-know.
P.S. What quilting or sewing supply is essential to your fiber art? Leave your answer below.
Quilting Arts Magazine April/May 2014 Digital Edit
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, there is lots to learn about portraits …
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