204 | How to Create Picture Quilts
My First Quilt | Sara Gallegos | Runtime (8 min)
There are many reasons why you would want to make a picture quilt. They can be family photo album quilts, commemorative quilts, memorial quilts, or they could be a lovely reminder of a fun vacation or event. Sara shows several examples of picture quilts, then demonstrates how to use a photo printed on fabric printer paper to create a small project. Plus, see what the photo Sara uses looks like both printed on regular printer paper and on the photo printer paper.
Looking for more great episodes like this one? Check out other episodes of the My First Quilt and get all of the items you need to create this quilt in our online store. Projects are sewn on a Baby Lock machine, for a list of dealers near you, click here.
44″-200 Thread Count White Muslin
Memories Sew Sweet
- <img “=”” height=”469″ src=”https://images-qlt.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/qvnvpowrtsi6pb3t87ha.jpg” width=”352″/>
Modern Memory Quilts: Tell Stories in Fabric with Image Transfers, Crazy Quilting, and More DVD
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