2 of 10 | Aviary Block One

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Aviary Block of the Month | Nancy Mahoney | Runtime (14 min)

Nancy has already prepared her backing fabric for Block One and fused piece groups A through E to the block’s background. Piece group F is a more involved group, and it’s easier to pre-fuse the shape with its leaves and stems on parchment paper on top of a light-box that individually adding each piece to the block’s background. Using this method makes it easier to see the lines of the fusing guide while assembling the full shape and allows readjusting of the full shape once it’s together before final placement on the block’s background. Nancy also adds the flower petals, petal highlights, and flower center of the G piece group before removing the full shape from the parchment paper. She then shows adding the fully pre-fused shape to the block’s background in its final placement.


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Aviary Block of the Month Aviary Quilt Backing Fons & Porter Pressing Sheet/Multi Purpose
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